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Coaching & Tools


What is it?

Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client to help the latter find the resources and answers to situations the clients want to improve. This is achieved by clarifying those situations, setting clear goals, and encouraging the client to take responsibility and stick to the action plan. 

The role of a coach is to create a safe space where the client can feel comfortable to open up so the coach can dig deeper with powerful questions to create awareness. A coach can also help you set clear goals and the steps to achieve them, making you accountable and responsible to take actions but walking by your side to keep you motivated.

The goal is to help the client develop, grow, unlock forgotten potential, and have a life that corresponds to her/him.

Why choose a coach?

Have you ever felt that you can't come out of a situation even though you have thought of solutions over and over? when we overthink, it is hard to be able to step back and look at a situation from a different perspective. It doesn't mean you can't eventually get there on your own, but a coach helps you go through the process faster so you can look at it clearer in order to make better and more suitable decisions.


  • Strengthen confidence: Self-confidence is that feeling of inner security that allows us to undertake action. In a world where people tend to compare themselves with others, it is easy to forget who you are and what you have to offer. Considering that confidence is something that needs to be developed, the first step to build it is to know yourself.  Coaching can help you strengthen your confidence by rediscovering yourself: your talents, skills, qualifications, needs and values. This will help you understand the drivers behind your behavior and give you the resources to overcome the fear that prevents you from taking action in your life.


  • Find purpose life/work: Finding purpose is what is going to allow you to live a meaningful life, aligned to who you are. It can happen that after following and achieving all the steps you thought were important (getting good grades, graduating, pursuing a career and reaching financial stability), you find yourself lost with the feeling that something is missing. Coaching can help you by auditing your life, clarifying your values and passions, find that purpose so you can make decisions and take actions towards a more fulfilling life.


  • Procrastination: Procrastination is when you choose to do something unrelated to the task you should be doing. It differs from laziness in the sense that in procrastination there isn’t a lack of action, you can be very active but the energy is not directed to the main objective. It’s when you decide to do a spring cleaning instead of working on that presentation due the following day. Through powerful questioning and other techniques, coaching can help you identify what is hiding behind your procrastination. A coach can help you find the answer to whether it is a fear of failure, or lack of alignment to what you really want to do, or just the lack of a clear objective that leaves you wondering without direction, to help you be more productive in your life.


  • Work/life balance: To find work/life balance is a concept that in today’s competitive world may seem more utopic than realistic. However, what some don’t realize is that by creating this balance a person can improve not only quality of life, (reduction of stress, better sleep) but also help with productivity and efficiency. Coaching can help you create the right formula that will allow you to remain productive in your work without neglecting your personal life.


During a coaching session, the client presents a situation that he/she would like to work on. The coach makes sure that the situation is clear so they can set an objective to be reached at the end of the session. After exploring different options and understanding the pros and cons of achieving the objective, a plan of action is put in place for the client to execute after the session is over. Even though the coach is there to help the client create awareness and develop motivation. It is the responsibility of the client to take action to reach his/her goals.

I propose customized individual online sessions of 1h30, conducted via Zoom.

The first session is offered if the client decides to continue with the program. 


Contact me for personalized packages.

Tools that can be used during a session:

PLN (Neuro-linguistic-programmer)

Active listening

Powerful questioning

Breathing exercises



Hypnagogic lamp
Hypnagogic lamp

What is it?


Roxiva hypnagogic lamp is a neurostimulator light accompanied by music, which induces an altered state of consciousness, otherwise found in deep meditation or hypnosis. While the eyes remain closed, the white flickering light goes through the retina producing visual effects such as kaleidoscopes, geometrical shapes, and patterns of colors. All this neuronal activity generates some sort of reset to the brain, which takes it to a more calm and serene place. Other reported results after the experience include pain relief, a better quality of sleep, a reduction of stress and anxiety, and in general a feeling of being more centered and connected. 


Because of the Frequency Following Response (FFR) effect created by the stroboscopic light and music, it generates a synchronization and entrainment on the brain's own frequency, known as Brainwave Entrainment (BWE). One of the results is better communication between the two hemispheres of the brain thanks to that inter-hemispheric synchronization. For a better understanding, check the link in Ressources about BWE.


What are the benefits?


Even though the effects of this technology vary from each individual, the feedback given by many users shows that the lamp can be useful in the following cases (among many others): 


  • Stress and anxiety reduction:  "Dissociation from the outside world is common with brainwave entrainment also. And this escape from repetitive thoughts can bring huge relief to those who suffer from anxiety and stress. Spaced repetition is key to learning how to be more at ease in a fast-paced world and brainwave entrainment is one easy way of doing that and also staying motivated to keep doing that." (roXiva)


  • Business and personal development: "Achieve your personal and professional goals faster by being in the right mindset to learn, sleep soundly, be creative, motivate yourself, be calm under pressure, generate flow states, and more. Maximize your use of time. Create learning states for combining with your favorite practices like hypnosis, affirmations, breathwork, visualization, and idea creation." (roXiva)


  • Sleep improvement: "Not only is improved sleep often a side effect of using roXiva with relaxing sessions.., but we even have purpose-designed sessions to reset your circadian rhythm (body clock) or wake you up, re-establish a normal waking brain rhythm, and promote the deepest levels of brain activity where recovery, rebuilding, toxin removal and memory consolidation take place." (roXiva)


  • Meditation: "This is one area where the results of roXiva technology can be so reliable. Tune your brain into states that usually only long-term meditators achieve. Combine this with other practices and maximize the benefits. The roXiva RX1 can take you to deeply relaxed states in minutes." (roXiva)


How does a session work?


The session takes place either laying down or seated with headsets on and the eyes closed. Programs can run up to 50 minutes but there will be a conversation before and a debrief after, so the entire session can last up to 1h30.


Results can be seen from the first session, however, to achieve greater brainwave entraiment (BWE) benefits , just as when you are performing any type of training, consistency is recommended. Even though each session is unique and lived differently by each individual, BWE will carry with the synchronization.  Also to reach a deeper state of consciousness  better results have been seen after multiple sessions as each time you are under the lamp your mind usually opens more and often gives you more clarity to the intention you had set.


Options of packages from €80


For an in-home session add €20 (only valid within Paris).


Contact to reserve a session.




The use of this lamp is not intended to replace any medical treatment, if you have any doubt of your physical condition, consult your physician.


Roxiva is for the use of people with standard health, avoid its use if any of the following applies to you:


  • Epilepsy 

  • Sensitivity to light

  • While in treatment with psychotropic, anxiolytic, or antidepressant drugs.

  • Excess consumption of caffeine

  • Traumatic brain injury, stroke, or heart attack

  • Pregnancy

  • Any mental disease such as Psychosis 





What is it?


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach used to educate and reprogram the brain for better use of the mind, body and emotions. This is conducted by modeling strategies used by successful people, to then apply them to achieve a specific goal.  It is based on the premise that excellence is not the result of chance but the result of specific strategies related to language, patterns of behavior learned from experiences and thoughts.


One of the most important concepts proposed in NLP is that the “map is not the territory,” meaning that each individual perception of reality is unique, as it has been defined by the information received from the five senses; visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, gustatory and olfactory. Given that perception of reality it’s subjective it can also be modified. A coach can help you understand your map; aspirations, patterns, thoughts and emotional state and as a result create strategies to replace unproductive ones and reach set goals, as a successful strategy can be modeled and adapted to different contexts.  


Depending on the thematic of the coaching session, NLP might be used as a tool to help the client removes blockages, find an emotional anchor or reframe emotions to readjust behavior for different situations.





Meditation dates from thousands of years ago, adopted by many religions with the purpose of creating awareness and deep concentration. But it is only since the 2000s when it became more popular in the western hemisphere that more scientific research has been conducted to demonstrate the benefits of the millennial practice. The results have shown that meditation can reduce stress, improve blood pressure, concentration, help relationships with others, helps to control pain, and enhance self-awareness among other things. 



To meditate one only needs a comfortable area to sit or lay down and a place where they won't be physically disturbed is needed.  


What I proposed to complement the coaching sessions, is to start with a guided meditation to calm and centered oneself before the rest of the work takes place. If you are interested in adding this service, check out the packages that include meditation practice.


Group Meditation events will be announced periodically on the home page.


For more information about customized services in guided meditation contact me. 

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